India is fast emerging as a big global player in defence sector, says PM Modi

India’s borders must be guarded at this crucial juncture, and the nation must foster a climate of peace.

India is fast emerging as a big global player in defence sector, says PM Modi

According to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s security services are becoming more and more capable, and the country is quickly becoming a major player in the global defence arena. Speaking to soldiers at Lepcha, Himachal Pradesh, Mr. Modi stated that India is expected to meet ever-increasing standards due to global circumstances.

India’s borders must be guarded at this crucial juncture, and the nation must foster a climate of peace. Our military play a significant part in achieving these goals. The Prime Minister declared, “India is safe as long as our courageous soldiers are stationed at strategic borders like the Himalayas.” Mr. Modi stated that these courageous people won the hearts of the nation by fighting so many battles after independence.

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He declared, “Our jawans have triumphantly overcome obstacles.” As the Prime Minister put it, “Our soldiers have always gone above and beyond, risking their lives to show that they are the’strongest wall’ at the borders.” Mr. Modi continued, “A location where our security forces are stationed is no less than a temple.” The prime minister also praised the military’s assistance in evacuating people from earthquake-affected areas and other disasters. Yesterday, Mr. Modi celebrated Diwali in Lepcha, Himachal Pradesh.