DRDO delivers first batch of domestic aviation technology to HAL

HAL, under the Defense Research and Aeronautical Development Agency of DRDO, has received the first batch of domestic Leading Edge Actuators and Airbrake Control Modules.

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DRDO: The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has given the first batch of domestic Leading Edge Actuators and Airbrake Control Modules to HAL, or Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

In terms of attaining aviation technology self-sufficiency, this is a big step forward. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Lucknow has already started preparing for the manufacture of these light combat aircraft to fulfil the current order of 83 Tejas MK1A aircraft.

The most advanced slats available today, together with airbrakes, are fitted to the LCA-Tejas’ secondary flying controls. It also has control modules that are based on servo valves and extremely complex electro-hydraulic servo actuators.

These are a sample of the continuing research into indigenous technological capabilities conducted by the Aeronautical Development Agency. They have an amazing design, precise manufacturing, testing, and high-pressure control modules.

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The Aeronautical Development Agency aims to achieve self-sufficiency in these technologies through cooperation with the Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) in Bengaluru and the Research Center Building (RCI) in Hyderabad. With the recent successful flight testing of the Leading Edge actuators and airbrake control modules, the way has been cleared for their industrial development.

These vital parts are produced by the Accessories Division of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, which has its headquarters in Lucknow. This invention has led to a considerable improvement in the aerospace industry’s capacity in India to construct aircraft and spacecraft. Several public and private companies, including Godrej Aerospace in Mumbai, as well as certifying bodies like CEMILAC and the Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance (DGAQSA), have made significant contributions to this effort.

The Director General of the Aeronautical Development Agency, the Secretary of Defense R&D, the Chairman of the Department of Defense Research and Development, and the entire team responsible for ADA, RCI, HAL, and CMTI, along with all partner industries, are congratulated on this noteworthy achievement.
