NASA Open To Help ISRO Build Its Space Station, Ferry Indian Astronauts To ISS Next Year

ISRO makes the decision for astronaut selection.


NASA Open To Help ISRO: Bill Nelson, the administrator of NASA, is spending several days in India investigating potential future cooperation between the space organisations of both countries. In addition to formally announcing the creation of a Joint Working Group to collaborate on human spaceflight, NASA and ISRO are also looking into other joint venture prospects, such as studying orbital debris and conducting commercial space activities. The first-ever collaborative NASA-ISRO mission, the Synthetic Aperture Radar, is scheduled for launch early in 2019. The spacecraft is already undergoing testing at ISRO’s Bangalore facility.

Nov. 28, New Delhi: Increasing cooperation, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Bill Nelson stated on Tuesday that the United States was willing to assist India in constructing its own space station. When Nelson was in India, he stated that the United States and India were preparing to launch an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station by the end of the following year. In addition, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is scheduled to launch NISAR, a cutting-edge joint venture satellite with NASA, in the first quarter of 2024.

Here, Nelson met with Jitendra Singh, the Minister of Science and Technology, to explore stepping up bilateral space collaboration between the two nations.

According to a science and technology ministry statement, “ISRO is also exploring the feasibility of using NASA’s Hypervelocity Impact Test (HVIT) facility for testing Gaganyaan module Micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) protection shields.”

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Has Multiple Missions in The Pipeline

NASA Open To Help ISRO

During their conversation, the two leaders also discussed US President Joe Biden’s invitation to send an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station in 2024.

ISRO makes the decision for astronaut selection. In an interview with reporters here, Nelson stated that NASA will not be making the decision. Nelson pushed Singh to move up the schedule for the launch of India’s first astronaut to the International Space Station on a NASA rocket. NASA sees a 2024 private astronaut mission as a potential possibility for Indian astronauts.

In answer to a query, he stated that if India wanted to work with the US to build the space station, that cooperation would be available. “We hope to have a commercial space station by then. By 2040, I believe India aims to launch a commercial space station. Naturally, we will be available to work with India if that is what they would like. However, that is up to India, stated Nelson.

By 2035, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to build an Indian space station and put men on the moon by 2040. NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar), which was built at a cost of USD 1.5 billion, is intended to be launched onboard India’s GSLV rocket. Studying terrestrial ecosystems, solid earth deformation, sea ice, mountain and polar cryosphere, and coastal waters on a regional to global scale will be made much easier with the use of NISAR data.

Ferry Indian Astronauts To ISS Next Year

The S-band SAR, created by ISRO, was combined with NASA’s L-band SAR at JPL/NASA. Officials from NASA and JPL are currently testing the integrated L and S band SAR with the satellite at the U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru.

According to an official release, ISRO and NASA established the Joint Working Group (JWG) on Human Spaceflight Cooperation. The group is investigating ways to work together on radiation effect research, micrometeorite and orbital debris shield investigations, as well as space health and medical issues. In addition, ISRO is in talks about certain areas of cooperation with well-known US companies (such as Boeing, Blue Origin, and Voyager) and is looking into joint ventures with Indian businesses.

NASA and ISRO are debating a concept paper on the Implementing Arrangement. According to the official statement, after a few revisions, both parties produced a draught that they could both agree on. This version is now being processed for internal government clearances.