Cloud-based command-and-control system: Canadian Air Defence Sector introduces a new CBC2

Top military commanders from the US, Canada, and Canada attended a demonstration of a cloud-based command-and-control system, enhancing Canadian Armed Forces and NORAD’s defense against emerging threats.

Cloud-based command-and-control system

Cloud-based command-and-control system: The demonstration was attended by top military commanders from the Department of National Defence, the United States, Canada, and the United States Air Force, Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny. The Canadian Armed Forces and NORAD will be better equipped to defend Canadians against new and emerging threats to North America because to this new and crucial technical capacity.

“CBC2 combines artificial intelligence and machine learning with a multitude of strategically important data inputs to give decision-makers a comprehensive situational awareness of the surroundings. According to the announcement, “the platform uses this data to develop courses of action from which leaders can make faster, higher-quality decisions that improve operational outcomes.”

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Cloud-based command-and-control system

Before CBC2 completely adopts the new technology, operators will have a chance to offer input as it moves into the next stage of development. Upcoming releases are scheduled for 2024 and early 2025 in Air Defence Sectors in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington.

“With the help of our Allies, the RCAF must use cutting-edge technologies like cloud-based command and control to meet future defence and security challenges.” These technologies signify notable advancements in capabilities in crucial domains for contemporary air and space forces. Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny, Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force, stated that “CBC2 incorporates state-of-the-art solutions to enhance NORAD’s effectiveness and will revolutionise the way we operate.”

“The launch of CBC2 and the continuous investment in the CADS are powerful indications of the sustained dedication to 22 Wing North Bay. Colonel Richard Jolette, Commander, 22 Wing North Bay / Canadian Air Defence Sector, stated, “The improvements brought about by CBC2 will enable faster and more informed decision-making, improve situational awareness, and empower CADS operators to excel in cross-domain collaboration.”

The responsibilities of aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning for North America fall within the purview of the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), a binational organisation including the United States and Canada.

The Minister of National Defence revealed in June 2022 Canada’s intention to modernise NORAD, which includes the CBC2 programme. Over a 20-year period, $38.6 billion in funding is allocated to this strategy.

This is the first time Canada will deploy a cloud-based classified technology.